"What's the best workout i can do to get rid rid of my saddlebags?"
I like to think that I’m pretty proficient in fitness lingo. Muffin top, love handles, cankel’s, etc., are all “Problem Areas” that I have heard about. Full disclosure, however, I have received this “saddlebags” email a few times from T&T readers and had to ask my good friend Google what it actually means! Saddlebags is extra fat primarily concentrated around the areas of your hips, thighs, and backside.
Unfortunately, this is a common place for a lot of people to store “excess”; fortunately there’s a lot that you can do about it! Today I have dialed up my favorite exercises two tone and tighten saddlebags into sleek and sexy hips. Keep reading to see the workout and goodbye forever saddlebags!
As with all the posts in this “Problem Areas” series, I have to start with the caveat that it’s really impossible to spot treat for a certain area. This workout is going to be killer for the muscles in your hips, but, and legs, but the effects will be dramatically increased if you supplement with some great cardio and proper eating.
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