Cardio Training Exercises: A Guide For Beginners

Cardio Training Exercises: A Guide For Beginners

 Cardio Training Exercises: A Guide For Beginners

Before you begin any of these exercises, it’s important that you properly warm up your muscles, joints, and ligaments. The most effective way to prepare for high-intensity exercise is through dynamic stretching

Exercises to Shed Pounds And Tone-Up

Exercises to Shed Pounds And Tone-Up

7 Exercises to Shed Pounds And Tone-Up

Weight loss exercises that double as toning exercises aren’t as hard to come by as one might think. While you may think that exercises focus on either one or the other, this most certainly is not the case. These 7 exercises will challenge your cardiovascular system and well as your muscular system to create a balanced total body workout attack for great overall fitness!

Weekly Workout Plan –

Weekly Workout Plan –

Weekly Workout Plan –

Why do you take part in regular physical activity? Maybe it’s to look better. Maybe it’s to feel better about yourself. Maybe it’s so you can enjoy your kids/grandkids more fully. Maybe it’s because of summer is here and you want to look amazing in that new swimsuit. Whatever your reason, it’s safe to say that we can categorize all of your answers into one word improvement. You’re trying to be better today than you were yesterday. Most of the time, this is an uphill battle. Sometimes it’s confusing; sometimes it’s overwhelming; and most of the time it’s not easy.
 That’s where Tone and Tighten’s Weekly Workout Plans come into play! Every week I present you with five workout ideas to be done during the week. That’s five workouts that you can do this week that will make it better than last week. Give variety to your “routine” by eliminating it altogether! Take your results to another level by pushing yourself to do things you haven’t done before.

This week is dedicated to the at-home warrior without a lot of equipment at his/her disposal. The most you’ll ever need for these workouts is a pair of dumbbells. Some cardio, some strength, some conditioning, and a lot of working it like you never have before. Get yours below, and have a fantastic week everyone!


Best Workout for Saddlebags

Best Workout for Saddlebags

"What's the best workout i can do to get rid rid of my saddlebags?"

I like to think that I’m pretty proficient in fitness lingo. Muffin top, love handles, cankel’s, etc., are all “Problem Areas” that I have heard about. Full disclosure, however, I have received this “saddlebags” email a few times from T&T readers and had to ask my good friend Google what it actually means! Saddlebags is extra fat primarily concentrated around the areas of your hips, thighs, and backside. 
Unfortunately, this is a common place for a lot of people to store “excess”; fortunately there’s a lot that you can do about it! Today I have dialed up my favorite exercises two tone and tighten saddlebags into sleek and sexy hips. Keep reading to see the workout and goodbye forever saddlebags!

As with all the posts in this “Problem Areas” series, I have to start with the caveat that it’s really impossible to spot treat for a certain area. This workout is going to be killer for the muscles in your hips, but, and legs, but the effects will be dramatically increased if you supplement with some great cardio and proper eating.

Fat Burning Plyo Workout

Fat Burning Plyo Workout

Fat Burning Plyo Workout

Today’s Fat Burning Plyo workout is no joke you know the drill: give your 100% during the short bursts of high intensity playo moves while focusing on proper form, first & foremost! For this particular workout, you should put extra emphasis on completing a good, full body warm-up before proceeding to the actual workout. Making sure that your entire body & joints are ready for playo action!
Since we will be jumping’ all around the place, keep in mind that your landings should remain gentle and soft.

How To Get A Flat Stomach in 7 Moves

Slimming our midsection is an ongoing goal for many of us. Some days, we feel bikini ready, and other days we would rather keep our stomach covered up. Whether you prefer flat or muscular abs, it takes dedication and the right combination of exercises. Our guide to how to get a flat stomach combines cardio, planks, and additional ab exercises, all designed to get results.

How to Get Skinny Arms Fast! No Special Diet Required

There are literally hundreds of arm-toning workouts designed for women. You know them… tricep dips, kickbacks, flank, upright rows, hammer curls (the list goes on and on). In the end, we all come to realize it’s practically impossible to try every exercise, especially when so many seem to show so little results. Here, we get back to basics and share the only 3 exercises you will ever need to have skinny arms FAST. Each of these are tried and true methods that have always worked.

source: Links